
Journal Papers

1. SOARES, G., GHEYI, R., MASSONI, T. L. Automated Behavioral Testing of Refactoring Engines. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

, v.39, p.147 - 162, 2012.

2. GHEYI, R., MASSONI, T. L., BORBA, P. Automatically Checking Feature Model Refactorings. Journal of Universal Computer Science (Print).

, v.17, p.684 - 711, 2011.

3. SOARES, G., GHEYI, R., MASSONI, T. L., SEREY, D. Making Program Refactoring Safer. IEEE Software.

, v.27, p.52 - 57, 2010.

4. Falconieri Freitas, Gabriel, Cornélio, Márcio, MASSONI, T. L., Gheyi, Rohit Object-oriented Programming Laws for Annotated Java Programs. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. , v.21, p.65 - 76, 2010.

5. MASSONI, T. L., GHEYI, R., BORBA, P. A Framework for Establishing Formal Conformance between Object Models and Object-Oriented Programs. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. , v.195, p.189 - 209, 2008.

6. GHEYI, R., MASSONI, T. L., BORBA, P. Algebraic Laws for Feature Models. Journal of Universal Computer Science.

, v.14, p.3573 - 3591, 2008.

7. GHEYI, R., MASSONI, T. L., BORBA, P. A Static Semantics for Alloy and its Impact in Refactorings. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. , v.184, p.209 - 233, 2007.

8. MASSONI, T. L., GHEYI, R., BORBA, P. An Approach to Invariant-based Program Refactoring. Electronic Communications of the EASST. , v.3, p.91 - 101, 2006.

9. GHEYI, R., MASSONI, T. L., BORBA, P. An Abstract Equivalence Notion for Object Models. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. , v.130, p.3 - 21, 2005.

Book Chapters

1. MASSONI, T. L., BORBA, P., SAMPAIO, A. A RUP-based Software Process Supporting Progressive Implementation In: UML and Unified Process ed.Hershey, PA (EUA) : IRM Press, 2003, p. 375-387.

Conferences and Workshops

1. GALDINO, E., MACHADO, P., MASSONI, T. L., SANTOS, S. A Refactoring-based Approach for Test Case Selection and Prioritization In: International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST’13), 2013, San Francisco. International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST’13), 2013.

2. MILANEZ, A., Gheyi, Rohit, MASSONI, T. L. Categorizing Nonconformances Between Programs and Their Specifications In: Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing, 2013, Brasília. Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing. , 2013.

3. GALDINO, E., SANTOS, S., MACHADO, P., MASSONI, T. L. Test Case Prioritization Using PriorJ In: Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing, 2013, Brasília. Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing. , 2013.

4. SOARES, G., CATÃO, B., VARJÃO, C., AGUIAR, S., GHEYI, R., MASSONI, T. L. Analyzing Refactorings on Software Repositories (BEST PAPER AWARD) In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 2011, São Paulo. Proceedings of the SBES 2011. , 2011.

5. MASSONI, T. L., GHEYI, R., BORBA, P. Synchronizing Model and Program Refactoring In: Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, 2010, Natal. Proceedings of the SBMF 2010., 2010.

6. GHEYI, R., MASSONI, T. L., BORBA, P., SAMPAIO, A. A Complete Set of Object Modeling Laws for Alloy In: Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, 2009, Gramado.

Proceedings of the SBMF 2009, 2009. p.204 - 219

7. SOARES, G., GHEYI, R., MASSONI, T. L., CORNÉLIO, M., CAVALCANTI, D. Generating Unit Tests for Checking Refactoring Safety In: Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, 2009, Gramado. Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. , 2009. p.159 - 172.

8. FREITAS, G., CORNÉLIO, M., MASSONI, T. L., GHEYI, R. Object-oriented Programming Laws for Annotated Java Programs In: International Workshop on Rule-Based Programming, 2009, Brasília. International Workshop on Rule-Based Programming. , 2009.

9. MASSONI, T. L., GHEYI, R., BORBA, P. Formal Model-Driven Refactoring In: European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS), 2008, Budapeste. Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering. New York: Springer, 2008. v.4961. p.362 - 376.